
Underoath Side Project

(punkbands) Underoath drummer Aaron Gillespie will put out a solo album sometime soon and he's hitting the road to play songs off it (dates are at the full story link). In the meantime, Underoath has been writing songs for their next album and the band may even do some dates on this summer's Warped Tour. This, of course, comes on the heels of last year's Warped Tour where Underoath left after a short time. A lot of people said it was because Fat Mike was cracking wise on the band pretty much daily. Gillespie had this to say: "I don't care what (Fat Mike) does. He's old, and that's his shtick. He doesn't have anything else going for him, so why not make fun of people? It was just a rumor that spun out of control."[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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