
Devildriver in June

(Blabbermouth) DEVILDRIVER, the Santa Barbara, California-based band featuring former COAL CHAMBER frontman Dez Fafara, recently wrapped up the recording sessions for its third album, "The Last Kind Words", at Sonic Ranch studios outside El Paso, Texas. Jason Suecof, known for his great work with TRIVIUM, CHIMAIRA, GOD FORBID, and BURY YOUR DEAD, is producing the album, with engineer Mark Lewis helping out as well. Working songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Damning the Heavens", "Cattle Call", "The Last Kind Words" and "Monsters of the Deep".

Commented Fafara: "The record is finished and has now begun to be mixed. Most of it was done in Texas, and I finished the vocals with Jason here in Santa Barbara on January 13th. We have named it 'The Last Kind Words'!! Release date for our third record will be June 5th, 2007 [in the U.S., one day earlier internationally]. We are in the process now of locking down tours, and will keep you informed. As of now, [it] looks like we will see ya in late March, early April.[see full story for more from Dez] - Click here for the Full Story

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