
disclaimer for lawyers and dumbasses: What follows is a parody. The celebrity impersonations are not only awful, lame and down right stupid but they are in no way intended to reflect the thoughts, lies, beliefs, distortions, exhibitions, talents, views, intelligence or anything else of the person being mimicked. It's all in good clean fun and we are an equal opportunity offender. The thoughts, views and prejudices contained in these parodies do not necessarily reflect those of antiMUSIC, the targets of the parody, the easter bunny, the fat guy down the street, Elton John, The Queen, iconoclast entertainment group or our sponsors. This is simply silliness for you to waste your time reading. Then again that's what makes up 90% of television too! If you are sucked into paying a large amount of money to have 100 channels and still have nothing to watch then you will understand. Marx was wrong, television is the opiate of the masses. Celebs that are parodied here should be honored and their lawyers and those that read this must understand that we have no idea what they think on certain issues, nor do we care. They are celebs, meant to entertain and they do so indirectly here (since they didn't actually contribute no compensation will be forthcoming) but to hammer the point home once again, before you begin, remember what you are about to read is complete bulls***! And so is most of what you see and hear on network news programs.  Speaking of which, our parody of the Fox News network, which claims to be fair and balances is yet another piece of fun. While compared to the leftist leaning alternate news networks, they are fair and balance it is true that they do have a center right bias. Then again, they do allow the left to be represented by intelligent people at least. While the other networks tend to get wackos like Pat Bucannan and B-1 Bob to represent the right (they don't) and The Chicago 7 don't represent the left either. It was amazing that Juan Williams gained several IQ points when he moved over to Fox. But that is all totally besides the point. There is plenty to make fun of on TV and that's what this is all about.... FUN.  nothing more nothing less. No defamation or any other legal terms are intended. This disclaimer is a perfect example of why we need to have tort reform. Lawyers will sue over anything and we have to put in longwinded disclaimers in to cover our asses.  silly-tv isn't for everyone. Consult your doctor to see if silly-tv is right for you. Side effects may include head ache, nausea, general disdain for the world, depression, soar throat from yelling at your screen, death by stupidity or laughter or cause large men dressed in mice suits to descend from black stealth helicopters and take you away. This isn't true, neither are most Oliver Stone films. if you decide to believe this we can't stop you but it wasn't intended that way. Then again if you buy this as legit, you probably believe that network news hacks like Dan Rather are real journalists.  And if you find that this isn't funny, rest assured that most sitcoms and Jerry Seinfeld's standup bits aren't funny either. 
