
GREENMUSE is a regular reader and fan contributor at antiMUSIC, the views expressed here don't necessarily reflect those of antiMUSIC or our sponsors, but we are sure you will enjoy what he has to say! 

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a plea for change. 

welly welly well, the fourth of July draws near and one must reflect on the country one lives in. most people celebrate by drinking in excess and blowing things up, is what we think of when we think of America?

America needs change, supposedly WE are the future and you think with all the counter culture around in a few years things are going to change big time. Well for some reason it has yet to happen. Look at the 1960's.those are the people in power now. Are we all smoking pot and making love in the streets? Nope, what the hell happened? Does only a small minority of people hold on to the values of their youth?

I would imagine very few of us could really sit down and talk politics or religion with our parents and agree on more than 10 points; even fewer with our grandparents. But for the most part people of my age group, their parents were around in the 60's and 70's.when did they lose the urge to fight the power to use a clichéd term. Maybe it is just a part of growing old; to become complacent with society.

I guess maybe as they grow older, people lose the burning need for change or just become so frustrated at the futility of the situation. For those that have the power are firmly entrenched and not giving an inch. Maybe we are doomed to become our parents, but i for one am not. I will not out grow my rebellious stage. i will not change to meet the status quo. of course their are exceptions to these thoughts of mine, but damned few! Happy independence day. greenmuse
