
Machine Head on Disney's Mickey Mouse Stance on Metal

(antiMusic) Machine Head's Dave McClain has some choice words about Disney's last minute decision to ban metal bands from playing House of Blues venues located on Disney properties (eg Disney malls). He spoke a little about it to Chart Attack and gave us out favorite quote of the week! Here are some choice excerpts.

"It's unbelievable that that can actually go down today still," says Machine Head drummer Dave McClain. "It's frustrating to be singled out like that, and the music you love playing. We were all brought up on metal, and that's just lame that can actually happen in this day and age. We had heard that it was because of the lyrics on the album and they just didn't want our fans on Disney property. They're not admitting any of that stuff, they're just saying that they don't want certain types of stuff on their property. But "It was f**kin' bizarre," says McClain.

"We've played there for years and had great shows and had absolutely no problems with anything.... It's not like our fans went there and drew f**kin' dicks all over Mickey Mouse's forehead or anything, you know?" [Incidentally, the Anaheim House of Blues is not decorated with Mickey and Goofy but new age/pagan artwork.] - Read the full Chart Attack article

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