
Gaza Nix Tour

(Lambgoat) Gaza has cancelled their current tour. Here's a statement from the band: "After a little over a week of cancelling shows day-to-day, we can now say we've cancelled our entire tour. We hadn't cancelled the whole tour preemptively because we had been trying to get on the road still. A couple of crucial things happened the day before we left:

1) Our transmission is out of commission. The transmission had been rapidly getting worse and worse the whole month of October (The overdrive starting kicking off about 15 miles on the freeway and shortly thereafter the transmission temperature light would come on) and our repairs (or attempt thereof) couldn't fix the sitch before we left.

We're looking at rebuilding it at this stage and with hardly any money and not the time required to set up an appointment at a shop, we're trying to have Mike and his dad get it rebuilt. 2) One of Mike's best friends committed suicide. - more on this story

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