
Cops Charged For Pulling Gun on Singer - A Top Story This Week

Cops Charged For Pulling Gun on Singer was a top story on Thursday. Here it is again: (AP) Two fired police officers accused of holding country singer Steve Holy at gunpoint during an argument at his home were indicted on charges that could bring them up to 20 years in prison. Randy Anderson and Paul Loughridge were indicted Monday on one count of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Anderson was also indicted on one count of kidnapping.

Holy, a friend and the two officers were allegedly drinking and playing foosball during an impromptu gathering at Holy's home early on Dec. 27 when an argument broke out, officials said.

Holy told police the officers pointed their guns at him and the friend and ordered them on the ground. Before the officers left, the police report said, Anderson told Holy that he'd kill him if he said anything. - more on this story

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