
Das Racist Spreading the Funny for Haters Everywhere

(PR) Das Racist aren't racists, at least in the traditional sense. They're more pastiche-y satirists, poking holes in PC culture and poking fun at what's, well, funny.

But any member of the club knows that's their appeal � wild child boom bap deconstructed and destroyed, hip hop ripped from the 90s and amended with world music's exotics, freak folks, uh, freakiness, and ridiculous f*cking lyrics.

Armed to the bigoted teeth with a production team including Leif, J-La, Harrison Schaaf, Charles & Beck, and Patrick Wimberly of Chairlift, their debut LP, Shut Up,Dude, is set to drop on Emancipation Day, June 19th. Watch out for it � it'll hate crime you. But in the meantime, you can enjoy awesomely titled art rap fare like "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell" (i.e. everyone's fave) on the Greedheadz EP. - more on this story

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