
Red Explain New Album Theme

TheCelebrityCafe.com recently caught up with Red's Joe Rickard to discuss their new album, Until We Have Faces. In this excerpt Joe talks about the theme of the album:

It's called Until We Have Faces, and it's just about trying to find your true identity. Everybody kind of struggles with that growing up. You don't know who you want to be, especially when you're like 17. And you kind of what to go to college, but you don't know where you want to go or what you want to do with your life. Or if you're just in high school and you don't know who you are, if you're a loner or something like that, you just can't figure out what kind of person you are. Nobody really finds out who they are until they get a lot older. Basically all the songs are about finding your identity. For example, the song "Feed the Machine" was actually my idea content-wise. I thought it'd be cool to write about this crazy machine that the world is. Basically everybody buys everything, everybody wants to have a Mercedes, crazy things like that. Like you have to look a certain way, eat a certain way, and nobody really has their own identity. And they all just kind of give into this machine. That's basically what that song is about, and it kicks the record off.

The second track is called "Faceless." It talks about how we're all just kind of hollow inside, we don't have faces. We are anybody, just zombies basically walking around. And we just want everybody to find out who they are, just be themselves. Don't give into the world. Be who you want to be. It's kind of an anthem for everybody. Everybody can relate this. That's the cool thing, we want to reach anybody. It doesn't matter who they are � if they're 8-years-old or 72. If they're black, white, Asian, it doesn't matter, they can all relate in finding out who they are.

Read the full interview here

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