
Geoff Downes Predicts Future For Asia

(Prog) Asia keyboardist Geoff Downes says there's many more years of music left in Asia - and they're enjoying having the space to write the material they want to.

The band released Gravitas, their first album with young guitarist Sam Coulson, earlier this year, and return to the UK for a run of shows later this week.

Downes, who pulls double duties with Yes, points to the fact that the British veterans are still selling out shows across the world. He tells the ReviewJournal: "We've still got a lot of fans out there. I think that's one of the reasons we've kept it going as long as we have - everyone believes in it.

"At this stage in our career we don't answer to anybody. Read more here.

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Copyright Prog Magazine - Excerpted here with permission.

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