
The smallest Creature - Reboot

Stefanos Marnerides calls his latest project The smallest Creature, and he points back to early Radiohead as one of his primary influences. And you can hear Radiohead's inspiration, particularly during the introduction to "Copenhagen," which sounds a lot - and in all the best ways - like to introduction to that band's hit "Creep." Although the song does not feature the operatic sweep of Thom Yorke's vocals, it nevertheless has a classic pop melody. Marnerides sings the song with gentleness and kindness.

Reboot is a short collection of heartfelt and serious music. Marnerides is not afraid to mix it up, sonically. For example, one called "Spring" utilizes the soft/loud alternating approach that was most notably popularized by Nirvana. It even throws in a sweet cello part at one point.

Marnerides is working on a full-length album. He certainly has a lot to say, and is equipped with the right tools to make his statements. So don't be surprised if this smallest Creature has big things to tell us next time.

The smallest Creature - Reboot

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