
New Doors?

(BW&BK) [selections from Martin Popoff feature interview with Ray Manzarek]Legendary DOORS keyboardist Ray Manzarek gave BW&BK the following comment on the required legal change of the band name DOORS OF THE 21ST CENTURY, the moniker for the act Manzarek runs with Doors guitarist Robby Krieger and THE CULT singer Ian Astbury.

So you have to change the name of the band right now The Doors Of The 21st Century?

"Right, well, we're D21C, eh, eh?! (laughs). Like it says on Ty's drums (ed. Ty Dennis). D21C. So that's who we are now."

Are you guys going to be working on new music?

"Yeah, maybe. Yeah, we might. We've got some things; we're talking about it. We're in composition." [see the full story for all of it!] - Click here for the Full Story

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