
Berkeley Study Proves Rap Glorifies Drugs, Random Guy on a Corner Confirms It

(Reuters) There is a shocking new study out about rap music. The fact that rap glamorizes drug use isn't shocking to almost anyone with minimum exposure to the genre and an IQ over 75, but what is really shocking is that a university has so few real issues to waste their money on studying, that they actually researched drug references in rap music. The next thing you know, they'll have a study to tell us that rap music glorifies crime, violence and disrespects women. That report should come out shortly after the "Berkeley Study Proves The Earth is Round" blockbuster.

A little on this groundbreaking study from Reuters: Rap music has increasingly glamorized the use of illegal drugs, portraying marijuana, crack and cocaine as symbols of wealth and status, according to a new study by the journal Addiction Research & Theory. The report found that rap artists had moved away from the lyrics of the early days of the genre when they often warned against the dangers of substance abuse. "This study showed that in fact much early rap music either did not talk about drugs at all, or when it did had anti-drug messages," said Denise Herd, of the University of California at Berkeley, who headed the research team.

After sampling 341 lyrics from rap music's most popular hits between 1979 and 1997, the researchers found references to drugs had increased six-fold over that period. [but they didn't point out that the uniqueness or creativity in rap had dropped six-thousand fold during that same period.] - Read more about this ludicrous waste of money here.

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