
ASHES dIVIDE Week: Day 2 "Enemies"

(antiMusic) Billy Howerdel made a big name for himself with A Perfect Circle, but he's not one to sit around as his APC bandmates tool around with other projects. So Billy started ASHES dIVIDE and their debut album, 'Keep Telling Myself It's Alright,' hits stores this week. We caught up with Billy and asked him to tell us a little bit about his favorite tracks from the CD.

Here is Billy with today's song "Enemies": This is a good old fashion fight song to that that I wrote on my own. It was initially about a good friend of mine that I grew up with when I was a kid and kind of imagining what that guy would be like running into him today. A lot of the stuff he was going through that was pretty tough. A lot of the songs on this record are kind of in groups to me- there are a few groupings you can go with. One of those groups is not feeling worthy, and what happens as a result of that, for a lot of people that are either put down or don't love themselves enough and therefore lash out, and that feeling of being empowered. You want to be empowered in some kind of way, and if you don't feel empowered or embraced in some way, there is usually an explosive opposite reaction to that.

Learn more about the album and the band, preview some of the songs, and grab tour dates (they're on Linkin Park's Projekt Revolution tour) - right here!

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