
What About the Music?

(antiMusic) We received an interesting email last week from a PR company about Leona Lewis, who's new CD 'Spirit' hits stores today. While most emails we receive about new CDs tout the CDs with quotes from the same three pubs that send us running a 100 mph in the opposite direction, this email tried to get our attention with this line "I've included some info about Leona's recent birthday (April 3rd) that you might find newsworthy."

Before we get to this "newsworthy" info it is interesting to note that there was not one mention of the actual music on this CD (not even her history making hit single). And what follows is what was actually sent to us and demonstrates just how Paris Hilton (e.g. shallow and mindless) pop music has become in the age of Idol.

Here is what the publicist thought we might find newsworthy about Leona Lewis: *Leona's fave shop in the US is PlanetBlue - great clothes and accessories! *Leona went out to party at Opera and her dress split in the car so she had to diy fix it with safety pins before going into the club ! *Leona's girlfriends and family have flown to NYC to spend her bday with her which she has off - they'll be spending the day shopping and having a big birthday dinner in a really fun restaurant. She has to be up at 5am on Friday to perform on Good Morning America so she can't be out too late on her birthday night!!! *Leona hasn't asked for anything for her birthday, as all she wants is to spend time with family and friends! * Leona got a beautiful charm bracelet from Simon which she loves and will enjoy wearing!

Kind of makes you want to drop everything and run out and buy the CD! If that doesn't do it, then maybe knowing that Tyson Ritter from All-American Rejects told Buzznet that he really wants to collaborate with her. - Read about that here

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