When asked if an alternative to this heated situation between him and the rest of VELVET REVOLVER would that they all cool off, do their separate projects and then regroup and see how the land lies, Weiland replied, "I think they should get GUNS N' ROSES back together, to tell you the truth. I think that would be the greatest thing that they could do. I think the world would be very happy.
"If they could stop talking trash about Axl [Rose, GN'R singer] in the press. It almost happened. The pens were ready to sign. With the 'Greatest Hits', there was a possibility [of a reunion], but there was too much stuff being said. But it was a close call. I would love to see that happen, as a Guns N' Roses fan. I'd pay to see it." - They went on to ask Duff about this. Read what he had to say
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