
Amplify Week: Day 4 "Hydro"

(antiMusic) Continuing our policy of showcasing up and coming artists we proud to turn the focus this week on Brooklyn rockers Amplify. These indie rocker deliver some explosive music that encompasses a lot of different influences which makes them a really compelling list. this week they'll tell us about five of their favorite tracks from their recent release 'Beneath the Beauty Lies...Heaven to Burn'

Here they are with today's song: Hydro- As the title implies, it is a reference to water. When one thinks of the movements of the ocean, there's always an element of restlessness, constant change and mystery. Therefore, the ocean serves as a metaphor for Human Emotion�.to sum up the track's subject matter, Bobbie states, "�it addresses the unexplained wonders and timeless mystery of Sex, Love and Selfless Devotion. To drink the wine of Euphoria, one must have faith and give oneself totally�it's the story of two souls finding and healing one another."

From a compositional standpoint, we wanted the intro to imply a building wave crashing onto the shore. The verse and chorus have a "four on the floor" dance-beat pattern to create propulsion� the guitar solo at 3:28-4:02 was played with a swell delay with more emphasis on atmosphere and sound to give the feeling of liquid movement.

In the outro chorus at 5:10, you can hear a full-out double-bass drum pattern to indicate the physical "climax" between the two protagonists. This leads into Rachel Z's String and Grand Piano accompaniment to Bobbie's multi-layered Falsetto vocal section. With this section we wanted to convey the sense of emotional and physical release. Check out some of the songs from the CD, learn more about the band and once they've won you over you can buy the CD here as well.

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