
E Invites W to DC Eels Gig - A Top Story This Week

E Invites W to DC Eels Gig was a top story on Monday. Here it is again: (antiMusic) The Eels were snubbed by the Queen and now they are looking for a presidential snubbing. Last month the band's frontman, E, made headlines when he invited the Queen of England to attend the band's London concert. Her Majesty was too busy, so E put a fake queen in the royal box as a standin.

Now E has invited US President George W. Bush and the First Lady Laura Bush to attend the band's upcoming Washington D.C. concert. This may be a hard sell since Bush used the Eels as a campaign issue during his run for office in 2000. (W's people found out that DreamWorks reps were handing out copies of the "Daisies of the Galaxy" album at the Democrat National Convention. The Bush camp pointed out that the album contained such child friendly song titles as "It's A Motherf**ker.")

E doesn't seem deterred and wishes to mend fences with the leader of the free world. According to Billboard, E wrote to Bush saying: "You may recall using our album 'Daisies of the Galaxy' as an example during your campaign for the presidency in 2000. The album was supposed to be a bad example for the kids of America. Mr. President, I know that you're a Christian, and Christ taught forgiveness. So in the spirit of forgiveness and fence-mending, I'd like to let bygones be bygones..." - more of E's message to W

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