
Gene Simmons Slams Grunge

(Sleazeroxx) Kiss bassist Gene Simmons has announced the relaunch of his Simmons Record label with the following statement. I am closing in on two, separate offers to relaunch my Simmons Records label. When I've decided which offer I'll accept, you'll read it here first. For those of you in bands who have demos (demonstration tapes), please don't send em. I've received literally thousands upon thousands of demos over the years. There simply isn't enough time in the world to wade through it all.

The history of Simmons Records dates back to Bob Buziak former head of RCA Records. I signed House Of Lords ( a name I trademarked and let Greg Giuffria use for his band), Silent Rage, a California rock band and Gypsy Rose a Canadian rock band RCA wanted to release through my label.

Music was going through a revolution and Grunge and Seattle snuffed out most of the rock bands of the day. I went on record then and stand by what I said: Though the bands coming out of Seattle were certainly valid, the tone and self destructive nature of it was not. Seattle would be the death of most rock bands. And, it was. What followed was the saddest period in Rock I can remember. Gone were rock shows. Gone were groupies. Gone was the Culture of Rock. The bands that ignored Seattle and simply went on doing what they did best: Rock!!!....survived. And got bigger. Seattle bands? Almost all are gone. [Is that why Gene and Paul jumped on the grunge bandwagon with "Carnival of Souls?" That aside, read just how rock n' roll Gene was during this period of time! - That is here]

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