
Mustaine Talks Metallica and Megadeth Supergroup Hopes (Top 12 of Feb. 2012)

Mustaine Talks Metallica and Megadeth Supergroup Hopes was a top 12 rock story of Feb. 2012: Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine spoke with Minneapolis' 93X about his hoped for supergroup with Megadeth bassist David Ellefson and Metallica's James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich.

Dave explained that is was just wishful thinking, "Yeah, that was just me talking. I don't think [James and Lars are] interested in doing that. It would be cool, and I've mentioned it to them before. I just think that they're so busy that they don't have time to do something like that. My wife and James' wife are friends, and they talk a lot. From what I know, too, there's a lot of work that those guys do, and they're gone a lot, and they tour a lot, so for them to take on a project like that, I think it would have to really be a labor of love.

"Of course, David and I would do it, 'cause I think it would be great to play with them again. When I went up there and did the 30th anniversary thing, I thought it was really cool. Megadeth is doing really fine right now. I'm not in the place to be asking for favors from anybody. I like who I am right now, I'm satisfied with where my career's at. But don't kid yourself, if we got together and played, I imagine it would be really cool. It wouldn't be anything like Megadeth, of course, and it wouldn't be anything like Metallica. But we'll see what happens. Maybe with enough people asking them, they'll buckle."

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