
Secret Video of Michael Jackson Death Doctor Conrad Murray Surfaces (Top 12 of June 2012)

(TMZ) Secret Video of Michael Jackson Death Doctor Conrad Murray Surfaces was a top 12 pop story of June 2012: It's the Conrad Murray video you were never meant to see -- a secret, emotional recording made days after Michael Jackson died ... in which Murray lies through his teeth about his relationship with the singer, blasts the public for blaming him for MJ's death, and even says he's a victim of MJ's deceptions.

The video -- which was never released -- was shot the very same day Murray recorded the infamous "Do not worry" clip he released in August 2009 ... his first address to the public after investigators named him as a suspect.

In this clip, Murray appears much more emotional -- with tears in his eyes, ranging from sadness to anger -- saying, "I can find no words satisfactory to summarize my affection for Michael."

He then proceeds to tell a bald-faced lie -- saying, "Despite our relationships and conversations, I am now made aware through recent media reporting that he failed to share with me any problems involving his alleged addictions with medications."

It later came out during his manslaughter trial ... Murray was intimately familiar with MJ's drug addictions -- and claimed to use drugs as a means to ween Michael off Propofol.

Later in the video, Murray gets aggressive -- saying, "No man, no woman, with the exception of innocent child, is absolutely free of hidden skeletons."

He continues, "Therefore, next time you look in the mirror, before passing judgment or condemning someone, take a good look at yourself, and if you're not 100% sure that when scrutinized no faults can be found, then you may have earned that right to criticize."

Sources close to Murray tell TMZ, Conny's lawyers eventually decided to bury the video because they felt it could only hurt him. Watch it here.

TMZ submitted this story.
Copyright TMZ - Excerpted here with permission.

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