
Andy Cohen Discusses Teresa And Joe Giudice Rumors

(Extra) "Extra's" AJ Calloway caught up with Andy Cohen Monday as he hosted a celebrity dinner to benefit Friends In Deed, which he serves as the chairman of. Andy the only person to sit down with Real Housewives of New Jersey Teresa and Joe Giudice for their first interview since being sentenced for bank and bankruptcy fraud calling them "a pretty solid unit" amongst reports that the couple could divorce after Joe serves his time.

Andy, "They seem very unified�I asked her (Theresa) on Thursday night (part two of his sit down airs Thursday) if she blames Joe for her sentence and term, what she says is pretty interesting�We also talk about whether he has a problem with alcohol and some other kind of allegations that they made in court about the show."

Andy also breaking down the rumors about the RHONJ reunion show which Teresa and show taped with the other cast members yesterday, "The reunion show was really intense, there were a lot of rumors online that Teresa showed up four hours later, that's not true."

Andy addressing reports Teresa kept stopping the taping, "It was a typical reunion show which means it was really dramatic, emotional, intense, obviously there was an undercurrent of something incredibly serious that'd just happened with Teresa as we all know, but we all got through it."

Andy also commenting on Teresa and Joe arriving separately, "It was because we needed her first thing and didn't need him for a few hours, so they did arrive separately, but they left together."

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