
antiMUSIC is reluctant to present "Slapped!" with Scott Slapp. He's been bugging us to do this for a while. So we figured what the hell, let's give him a shot at it. If he isn't assassinated by an irate fan, Scott will check in with us each Tuesday to tell us which rock star needs to be "Slapped". 

As always the views expressed by the writer do not neccessarily reflect the views of antiMUSIC or the iconoclast entertainment group

Music Big Brother

Slapps of the Day (discontinued, Scott has moved back to a month feature Slapp)

2-15: Bill O'Reilly

2-14: The Shammys

2-10: Bonehead Label Execs

2-9: The L Word

2-8: Lindsay Lohan

2-7: Jacko & The Wacko Media

2-4: King of Slapps

2-3: Metallica

2-2: Emo

2-1: Fox TV

Full Slapps

The C is Silent

Raven's Heart

Slapps All Around

Get Your Own Hits

Hollywood Rehash

Janet Jackson: The Deformed Nipple Seen 'Round The World

Rock For Change? What Change?

Motley Crue Needs To Be Slapped!