
Singled Out: Matt Hires' Don't Let Your Heart Grow Cold

Matt Hires tells us about the song "Don't Let Your Heart Grow Cold" which comes from his recently released new studio album "American Wilderness". Here is the story:

I wrote "Don't Let Your Heart Grow Cold" specifically to be the last song on American Wilderness. A lot of the album was written that way. It was sort of an accidental concept album, so most of the songs had their own place in how it all unfolded.

Much of American Wilderness is about wrestling with faith, culture, and myself in the context of 21st Century America. There's a lot of struggle and exasperation and sadness throughout. There are some lighter spots, for sure, but I'm a pretty hopeful person in general, so I wanted to make sure the album ended with hope. So I wrote a song to myself to remind me that, "The winter will turn into springtime," and to not let my heart grow cold.

It's a very personal song. I sing verses about my parents and my wife and my friends and playing music. But I've found that most of the time, when writing a song that seems so personal and vulnerable, those are the songs that complete strangers find the most meaning in. Songs are funny that way. Much of American Wilderness is like that, but as a whole, it's the album that most of my listeners have connected with the most deeply. I really love that.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself here and visit Matt's official site right here!


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