
Singled Out: Brian McKenzie's Higher Than This

Singer-songwriter Brian McKenzie just released a video for this track "Higher Than This" and to celebrate we asked him to tell us the story behind the track from his latest album "Bruising From The Fall". Here is the story:

Sometimes you write a song and it all just comes together for you at once. There's no struggle, no loss for words, no question about what it should be about, what the bridge should be. It's almost presented to you. Those moments seem to come when you know and listen to what your gut and heart want to say and what you've been denying. I tend to hold a lot inside, but sometimes you only can push it in so long before the floodgates are released and there's no choice but to spell it out.

Some relationships are exactly like a drug. They literally make you high. Especially if the foundation was cracked, to begin with: the fights, the screaming matches, the arguments, the makeup, the fun, the excitement, the passion, the connection, the stress, the blaming, the attraction, the makeup again� it's all stimulation. Overstimulation. Hurricane energy. You live in that chaos and once in a while get a taste of the euphoric eye of the storm, where everything is calm and perfect�until you take one step back and lose your footing to the wind. It's ups and downs, highs and crashes. It changes you to the point where what you remember of normal life becomes far too mundane to bear. It becomes an addiction.

The lyric "We can be higher than this" was to me a hope that we can reach a real high, backed with true soul connection and an honest, selfless love, versus the ego. That there were glimpses of what we could really be and maybe they were actually attainable. It was written in a way where either she or I could have been the author since we both were to blame for the situations.

Musically, the notes and chords were a carbon copy of what I was feeling inside. They seemed to do the same tugging of the gut as the ideas behind the song did for me. Sometimes living in that sort of pain can be comforting. Because at least you're feeling after all�

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself right here!


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