
Singled Out: Ovtlier's Vice

Ovtlier frontman Joey Arena tell us about the song "Vice" which comes from the new metal group's latest EP "What Doesn't Kill You". Here is the story:

I wrote and recorded "What Doesn't Kill You" in Cleveland, OH. A total of an 8 hour drive every weekend from Rochester, It was a journey I made for over a year. After writing and scrapping, "Vice" became the fifth song I decided to keep for the album. I was getting to the point that long drives allowed too much time for me to burrow in my head and create a little self doubt. Just when you feel like you have a grasp on it all, life will throw you an "Are you sure you want this?". Almost the universes way of testing my love for music. Every musician goes through it.�

"Vice" allowed me to dive a little further into it that and create a vulnerable piece of allowing negative thought, stress or your "demons" to take over you. A battle of trying to remain optimistic. I am grateful for living with a positive mindset (for the most part) that allows me to pull myself out of whatever funks but this song was a stamp in the timeline of when those worries came creeping. The lyrics, "They'll never take me alive", was me putting up a fight and resisting against adversity. In the chorus, I mention "Stay awake until its over", which represented me no longer putting these feelings away and no longer running from my "demons". I believe we don't hold ourselves accountable for most of our issues and when we start taking all the energy that we put into things that don't provide happiness or a better quality of living, we begin to slowly destroy ourselves. As people, we are stronger than we think.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the EP right here!


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