
Singled Out: To Whom It May's Calculate

To Whom It May are gearing up to hit the road with Candlebox for their 25th anniversary next month and to celebrate we asked Jonathan Jourdan to tell us about the song "Calculate" from their new album "The Great Filter". Here is the story:

'Calculate' centers around trying to help someone who's lost their grip on life. They're starting to become weathered by the world, and now they're giving in and giving up. The song is a reminder to that person that no matter how low they get, I'll never give up on them.

To me, lyrically, the moment that stands out the most to me in this track is, "No I won't let you go, because I know you're letting go". It really hones in on the message of the song.

This was one of the songs on our record that felt like a perfect amalgamate of what sound we were trying to capture. It has delicate moments and sections where it feels like it's boiling over. I feel the 8-string guitar really helps this song's heavier moments really punch through. I remember being in the studio listening to the playback for the first time and feeling like it should be the first single on the record. It was sort of just an unsaid thing we all agreed on. Once we started playing 'Calculate' live, it really fortified my love for the tune. It just has a sort of sway to it that is really fun to groove on.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!


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