
Singled Out: Paige Cora's The Good Side Of Desire

K. Wiggins | 01-27-2020

Paige Cora just released her new album "Instant in Time" and to celebrate we asked her to tell us about the song "The Good Side Of Desire". Here is the story:

"The Good Side of Desire" came out of the need to express a change in my life, where I was tapping into a truer version of myself. I had moved from my hometown of Toronto to a farmhouse in rural Ontario, and had extracted pieces of who I was in Toronto to fit into this new way of life. Suddenly, I had nature all around me, room to fit a real piano in my kitchen where I wrote the record, and space to start rescuing feral cats and helping injured wildlife. It was like this whole other Paige emerged. Suddenly the word "desire" didn't have a tempting or seductive quality, it meant fulfilling my life desires on an internal level. Feeling whole, and balanced, seeking inward. The lyric in the second verse speaks to this, "Waiting in the wings/dark and somber/watching the play/fall out of order." It felt like I was witnessing this change in my life, but I just had to accept it and embrace it. It wasn't where I thought I would ever be, but it was the exact place I needed to. The rest of the song speaks to my partner, who guided me through this time with so much understanding and light. I think of him when I sing it, and the special timeframe when we both uprooted our lives.

This track production was inspired by Daniel Lanois and Peter Gabriel. The ethereal soundscape at the beginning paints a dream-like vignette, that snaps back into reality as the band joins in. "Solsbury Hill" by Gabriel was the catalyst to the production direction, making the track constantly feel like it's traveling forward, with a heavy focus on guitar. Frank Grizanti, who played guitar on the record, gave us so much to work with, he's incredible. Between him and engineer Jae Daniel, we found that cinematic guitar shimmer that pulls you in right at the top.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!


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