
Singled Out: Anthony Garcia's Fire Song

Anthony Garcia just released his new album "Acres Of Diamonds" and to celebrate we asked him to tell us about the track "Fire Song". Here is the story:

The lyric begins from the point of view of someone seeing beggars in their fields. The beggars soon become "kings" when it's discovered they had "gunfire on their side." The song is set against the backdrop of a southwestern desert, with fast fiddles, fast guitars and a fast train beat. The narrative voice then turns to the perspective of "the man from somewhere else." The song was written while spending a lot of time on the road and was spurred from the feeling of not really belonging anywhere, yet still belonging in this kind of "home." Travel and touring can really lend itself to this feeling. Like being a ghost, peering into other people's lives, cities, and friendships, and then moving on to the next place. The song is one that has been in my set for many years, and I've decided to include it on this album with a facelift of sorts. I wanted to capture the virtuosity of the group and simply recreate the feeling one might encounter at a live show. This is also a song that just came out of nowhere and has just stuck. That's a lucky feeling when that happens. It's also a fun song to play live because everyone can really stretch musically.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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Singled Out: Anthony Garcia's Fire Song