
Singled Out: James Pace Band's Touch The Sky

The James Pace Band recently released their new single "Touch The Sky" and to celebrate we asked James to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

"Touch the Sky" was conceived lyrically in the studio in LA and musically in Philly. The phrase "Touch the Sky" is commonly used in music circles lyrically and that was intentional because we all have been knocked down in life and have had to get back up, dust ourselves off and make it a better tomorrow. The day we recorded the track was the same day that I met our bass player for the track Johnny Griparic (former Slash's Snake Pit Bassist). That day he told me his story about addiction recovery and his journey. This was one of the most epic stories of "rise, fall and rise again" I have ever heard - It was epic and moved me to tears Having lost my dad 21 years ago to alcoholism, it was the loop my dad was never able to close. "Touch the Sky" is about sticking together through time, surrounding yourself with consistent love, consistent good habits. It is all about working day by day. It is about surrounding yourself with people who have high hopes and high aspirations in life, so you can find the motivation to pick yourself up from whatever challenge you may be facing and come out on top.

The music was fun to write and a blast to record. The music was written in my home office one night after really working through some inspiring tones via my 71' Marshall with a 68 VOX Wah. When I arrived in LA to record this(after the initial drums and bass were laid down), I worked with Billy Burke (Producer/Engineer) to color in the layers of guitars. Billy brought in the idea of layering in the acoustic guitar vibe into the verse to give it a bit of a Zeppelin feel ala "Thank You". The bridge and solo we colored in with 3 different Wah's from 68,69 and 71 with Fuzz from the same era which gave it a bombastic lead tone stacking them. "Touch the Sky" is the song I am most proud of in my career, both lyrically and musically. It has meaning, it has soul and is meant to help those in recovery understand that we believe in you and you should never count yourself out. "Touch the Sky" is just a metaphor for picking yourself up and exceeding even your own expectations - We all have it within us.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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Singled Out: James Pace Band's Touch The Sky