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Singled Out: The 6ix's PIG

Keavin Wiggins | 05-26-2023

Album art

The 6ix recently released a music video for their song "PIG," and to celebrate they tell us about the track and visual for the song that comes from their "Black Magic & Trap Houses" EP. Here is the story:

This might be the group's favorite song on the project. It's for sure the one we like doing live the most because it always breaks a mosh pit out even in the smallest and most reserved crowds.

This was a demo that Dilyrium had started and it had a slightly different chorus than it does now. When we started to work on this song and add the other members we really knew we had something special. A Lot of times we make songs and we can always say to each other "You killed this song" or "The hook makes this song" but this one was one of those rare moments where every single member brought something A+ to the table and gave the song a really different sound.

There is a "bridge" that is so creepy right before the hook drops that we thought about writing something for but it felt so right that when the verse ends it just falls into this creepy drop with nothing being said. When we do it live, it gives us a chance to hype the crowd up to make a pit.

The video for this song is what we consider our favorite video to date and was filmed by James Joyce in the "13th World Fright Park" in Massachusetts and gave the video such a "movie" feel. When people ask us the question "Why did you call it PIG'' the answer is so simple "That's what FLAWD (our producer) called the beat when he sent it to us, and we never changed it........the song doesn't even talk about pork once....."

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the album here

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Singled Out: The 6ix's PIG


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