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Seventeen Almost Top Billboard 200 Cart With 'FML'


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(The Oriel Company) K-pop stage-breakers Seventeen reached a career high on the Billboard charts with their 10th Mini Album FML. The group itself hit No. 1 on the Artist 100 while FML debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 and No. 1 on the Top Album Sales and World Albums charts, making it the fourth largest sales week of 2023 in the U.S.

The act also set new records with FML for the highest-selling K-pop album in its first day and week worldwide with 3.99M+ copies and 4.55M+ copies sold respectively.

FML is SEVENTEEN's fifth consecutive album to chart within the Billboard 200. All of the band's Billboard 200 chart peaks up to date are as follows:

Your Choice (8th Mini Album) on No. 15 (chart dated July 3, 2021)
Attacca (9th Mini Album) on No. 13 (chart dated November 6, 2021)
Face the Sun (4th Album) on No. 7 (chart dated June 18, 2022)
SECTOR 17 (4th Album Repackage) on No. 4 (chart dated July 3, 2022)
FML (10th Mini Album) on No. 2 (chart dated May 13, 2023)

SEVENTEEN have masterfully risen to the top of the global music scene over the past few years. FML hit No. 1 on 3 of Oricon's weekly charts including album rankings, digital album rankings, and total album rankings. The 13-piece act also charted No. 1 on Billboard Japan's Artist 100, Hot Albums, Download Albums and Top Album Sales, while sweeping No. 1 across real-time charts on streaming platforms in Korea, as well as on iTunes charts in 36 countries/regions including Brazil, the Philippines, India and Singapore.

At midnight on May 8, SEVENTEEN dropped a new music video for "F My Life," one of the two lead singles for FML. The single captures a state of mind engulfed with negative thoughts, speaking to the everyday stories of everyone just making it through life. Instead of trying to comfort those in distress with words in vain, however, SEVENTEEN choose to tell themselves to 'Fight for my life,' letting those listening know that they will always be on 'your' side doing the same.

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