
Singled Out: Attraction To Tragedy's Hole In Your Heart

Attraction To Tragedy recently released their new single and video called "Hole In Your Heart," and to celebrate we have asked Jaiden Shay to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

The beginnings of Hole In Your Heart date back to 2015 with a very primitive version of the intro/verse riff and chorus. Initially I had set out to write a very adversarial song with the chorus. "quit lying step back and see, quit being who you're pretending to be". However as the years went on the lyrics eventually went in the opposite direction. No matter what your initial intentions are the song will tell you where it wants to go.

The bridge "Burn your masks and separate your skin.." came in early spring 2018. I remember sitting in my old apartment whispering it over the riff to show Brandon what I was thinking. Onstage Brandon handles the majority of the screaming and with the new batch of songs we were working on I knew the material would only benefit from more trade off screaming.

The acoustic guitar outro was something I heard in my head first then had to figure out if it was playable. Always a good sign when you have to figure out if something is humanly possible. The idea was to arpeggiate the riff under the line "what once consoled you now destroys you". To accommodate the key and the ringing I wanted I resorted to a rather odd tuning to get the desired effect. Its one of those guitar parts that if you look at or think about too much it just won't happen.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below

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Singled Out: Attraction To Tragedy's Hole In Your Heart