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Singled Out: Parker Gispert (The Whigs)'s All The Rage

Keavin Wiggins | 03-24-2023

Album art

The Whigs frontman Parker Gispert will be launching a tour this weekend in support of his latest album "Golden Years", and to celebrate we asked him to tell us about the song "All The Rage". Here is the story:

The pandemic hit and I was home watching the news trying to get some information on what was happening in the world, and would leave my television viewing sessions frustrated and angry.

A lot of the news formats these days have those round table type scenarios where multiple journalists are debating each other and often there's someone with a different point of view they invite on the show.

It seemed like these programs would regularly devolve into grown adults arguing and often shouting at each other to prove their respective points. Even on ESPN, Skip and Shannon would be yelling at each other about something inconsequential and undeterminable, like who the best rebounder of all time was. All in all, this trend gave me the idea for the song "All The Rage."

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below. Learn more about the album and see the upcoming dates here

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