Staff Meeting: Dolly
(antiMusic) A lot of people work hard to make antiMusic what it is. So with our 8th anniversary we felt it was time to spotlight each writer so you can get to know them a little better. Over the next few weeks we will be posting a small portion of each staff person's new profile page. So let's begin and get to know Dolly a little better.

Dolly is from parts unknown and has been with antiMusic since before time began. The first CD she purchased was 'The All Star Stapler & Office Supply Band Tribute to ABBA' and her first concert was 'Richard Jeni at the Funny Bone in Chicago'. When asked for her Top 10 Favorite artists she responded "Generally, whoever wins the countdown on MTV these days; they are the only bands worth listening to. So my musical tastes shifts & changes from day to day & week to week. I really like it when TV stars & people famous for nothing at all & people famous for who they married make music, because it kinda reminds me of when that guy played basketball & football, or like when someone is a doctor and a lawyer, y'know? They are the real powerhouses of the entertainment universe". Her musical pet peeve is that there are not enough songs that go along with her whims. Her favorite part of antiMusic is The Message Boards. Click the full story to learn more about Dolly and discover which star she would slap, who she "can't write anything about" because she can't afford the licensing fee and lots more.

- Click here for the Full Story

Note: The preceding story contained only the highlights of the full story published by antiMusic, if it was followed by a message to see the full story. To read the entire story click on the link following the story.

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