Steven's Unsigned Band Search
(PR) The search is almost over! For the past 8 weeks, Fuse and Steven's Untitled Rock Show have been asking you to upload videos of your favorite unsigned bands and you've actually been doing it. We love it when you listen! Now, we're proud to announce the 8 finalists in Steven's Unsigned Band Search! The nationwide hunt for the best unknown talent is coming to a close, but not before YOU weigh in on the winner! The nominees are: Three Green Eyes - New Haven, CT * Dark Miracle - Dominican Republic * Call Yourself - New Jersey * Soulfound - St. Petersburg, FL * 2nd Day Crush - Hollywood, CA * Caecelia - Flagstaff, AZ * Oh Doctor - Mesa, AZ * The Perfect Mistake - Brooklyn, NY

Vote on your favorite unsigned band video and Fuse will pick from the three with the most votes. Polls are open through January and the winner will be announced at the end of the month. The winning band will have their video aired on FUSE along with a top secret prize. Check out the nominees at the full story link. - Click here for the Full Story

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