
Ringworm - Justice Replaced By Revenge Review

by Hobo

Ringworm have been a force in the Cleveland hardcore scene since the early nineties, so it might surprise some people to hear the group have only released three albums (in 91, 93 and 01). This, their fourth album Justice Replaced by Revenge represents their second major-label recording (on Victory Records).

While I was no real fan of their debut album Flatline, their sophomore The Promise regaled my interest. However, when releasing Birth is Pain after an eight year hiatus in 2001, I slipped out of the loop once more. Something wasn't right about the album; the band had lost some of its charm and fallen to a more monotonous sound.

Thankfully, Justice Replaced by Revenge returns to the pounding, signature sound of Cleveland hardcore - thick, chunky, fast, metallic hardcore with one foot in the punk stylings of Agnostic Front and the other firmly planted in thrash metal. The pure hatred, venom and frustration of the group (most notably vocalist Human Furnace) is still as prominent as ever - in fact, I don't think I've ever heard the band quite this pissed off.

The guitars are both catchy and thrashy, underscored by tight drumming and bottom end. Frontman HF (Human Furnace, great name) spews out venom like no other, in his unique screaming style. The lyrics focus on the pitfalls and shortcomings of mankind, hitting the mark with incredibly accuracy and ferocity. The solos are fewer and farther between in exchange for a focus on a more relentless pace. Strangely enough we even get a short, Metallica-style classical acoustic track in Whiskey Drunk.

An absolutely crushing return to form for the group. If you get an opportunity, go see Ringworm play alongside almighty Converge in November. You won't regret it.

CD Info and Links

Ringworm - Justice Replaced By Revenge

Genre: Thrash-influenced Hardcore
For Fans of: Blood for Blood, Terror, Madball and Hatebreed
Best Tracks: Justice Replaced by Revenge, Ghost of the Past & God Eat God

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