
Dillinger Escape Plan Week: 82588

(antiMusic) Acclaimed metalers Dillinger Escape Plan have just released with their brand new album 'Ire Works'. To celebrate the release and to gain a bit more insight into the songs we asked bassist Liam Wilson to pick his five favorite tracks from the CD and tell us a bit about each. Here is Liam with today's song:

82588 - This is the first of the more aggressive songs we started working on; there were other pieces of things, some of the songs with heavier electronics were jin-jangling around on Ben's bevy of hard drives, but this one was the first thing we started jamming on as a full band in late '05/early '06. It took us almost that whole time to settle on what, or maybe how that middle spaghetti-western/narrative section would end up. Ultimately, I think the studio magic and the wide range of gear we had at our disposal finally settled our scatterbrains about it.

This was also one of the last songs we tracked drums for. The long stab pattern that starts at about 1:20 into the song is basically just a Latin rhythm that we sped up and twisted beyond recognition...I think a lot of listeners, from their point of view just think that stuff is at worst, random, or otherwise over-thought, but it all seems relatively normal or perhaps crafty from ours.

Hear is believing so you can check out songs from the CD, tour dates, info on the band and more - right here

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