
Singled Out: Clandestine

Today June Park from Clandestine tells us about "Disappear in You" from their brand new album "The Invalid," which hit stores today! Here is the story:

This song is about self-destruction. I think we all destroy ourselves up to a certain level. We do things that are harmful to us like some kind of a habit. Haven't we all done something that we know is bad for us, but we do it anyway? Even if there will be a painful consequence, it almost feels strangely comforting to go that route.

When this kind of behavior is linked to an obsession over a certain person, it can get very addictive. The call and response of human interaction will only aggravate the effect and trigger a chain reaction in your mind to keep begging for that sweet torture. As you keep wanting and longing for that person, you sacrifice yourself by giving up yourself. Life is not about you anymore; it's driven and chased by a constant fear of losing control. That powerful yet elusive being will eat away your identity, and the more and more you fall for it the weaker you get. You get manipulated in every single aspect of your life, but somehow you believe it is your choice which is an illusion created by a dominant, mysterious character. You would tell yourself, "If it was an option, I would sell my soul to possess you".

Self-destruction is spellbound. Sometimes it seems that the only way to get out of it is to put an end to yourself. And some of us will take the plunge to free ourselves from that curse.

The compelling tragedy of "Disappear in You" is beautifully captured in Clandestine's music video as directed by Thomas Meyer. Like a paper airplane, she gets swept away in the blowing wind. And when she realizes there is nothing beneath her wings, it's too late.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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