
Singled Out: von Grey's Katie

Today Annika from von Grey, the Atlanta based indie-alt sister group, tells us about their new single "Katie" from their forthcoming EP "Panophobia", which will be released on August 14th. Here is the story:

Fiona and I started writing songs at a very early age. Surprisingly (or probably not very surprisingly), we didn't have a lot of life experience to pour into songs at the age of 13.

Somebody once told me that most humans face essentially every emotion before the age of 5. The intensity or cause of the emotional reaction may not quite match that of those with more age, but the ability to feel happiness, loss, confusion, fear, etc. still exists and is exercised. That being said, at a young age, vicariously writing about the experiences of older peers is sometimes more easily translated than writing from the direct perspective of a 12 or 14 year old.

We wrote Katie over a year ago, and it was one of the first pieces of lyrical content that was inspired by a human connection I experienced directly and individually. I wrote and interpret it is a song about a turbulent/not-always-equal-or kind relationship that I was in. At the same point in time, my parents were getting a divorce, I paid attention to my friends' relationships, and I watched the way that human connection develops between many different people - I am sure some of those observations influenced the content. But Katie was and is my honest emotional landscape in response to a singular intimate relationship of mine.

That change in writing approach (and vulnerability) has been apparent in all of the music we've written since then. It's one of the reasons we are so excited about Katie/Panophobia/our future releases. There has been sonic evolution, but the human evolution is just as dramatic and present.

We are SO thrilled that Katie is finally out and available for listening! Hopefully it speaks to you in some way, whether in the form of emotional commiseration or a melody that it stuck in your head. Enjoy! Let me know how you feel. :)

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself here and learn more about the group right here!

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