
Urban Funk Monkeys � On The Bus
Review by antiGUY

Urban Funk Monkeys � On The Bus
Label: Independent

My Chance
Smoke Jumper
On The Bus
Flight of the Bumble Bee
Day After Yesterday
The Paw
The River

First off, this band is made up of a bunch of 14 and 15 yearolds so you pop the CD in and expect to hear a novelty act. Much to my surprise what you hear is a first rate funk/jazz/rock fusion band. No one can accuse these kids of not knowing how to play their instruments; the musicianship is top notch. This is the kind of CD where you pop it in, close your eyes and imagine you are at Woodstock or Monterey as this style isn't heard much these days. I have to admit the lyrics could use a little work and the only other problem I find here is the production is a little muddy. But for a self-produced and published CD, that's to be expected. Just wait until these kids have a record label behind them willing to foot the bill for a top of the line recording studio and producer and they will be real contenders.  Keep an eye on these kids, they have what it takes!

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