
Mastodon Leak

(Blabbermouth) MASTODON's drummer, Br�nn Dailor, has told MTV.com that a certain English journalist is the one behind the online leak of the Atlanta metallers' forthcoming album, "Blood Mountain", last week.

"Hopefully one day, he'll introduce himself," Dailor joked about the journalist, who claimed he was one of the band's biggest fans. "[Our record label] traced it back to the guy who did it, and he got fired from wherever he was working. It's just so stupid. And it's such a sh---y copy. It sounds like sh--. I'm not concerned with record sales, because I think that if anyone's looking for it online to download it and listen to it, when it comes out [on September 12], they'll buy it anyways. They're fans.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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