

Screw the mainstream if you really want to get your rocks off you have to go to the underground. That's just what we plan to do with this series, take some of the best emerging bands that are out blowing away hardcore fans on the underground music scene. 

Bazerk- I heard Y�all Like Violence (The Rage Album)
By David Demarest

Bazerk- I Heard Y�all Like Violence (The Rage Album)

Yo Whole Style Is Chump
Peep Da Styles
Have Mercy
So Lost
Don't Be Long
Wait A Minute
Welcome To LA
We Come To Get Down
Out Of Control
No Patience
For The Love
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If you�re going to like Bazerk�s new album, you�ll know it even before you put the CD in for a spin.  If the band�s name and their chosen title for the CD sparks an interest, or a glimmer of hope, then the album won�t disappoint.  Don�t get me wrong, this album won�t be for everyone, and if you�re looking for a disc to shuffle in with your new Jack Johnson CD, this sho ain�t it, but if you�ve been looking for a new sound to go with a classic Rage Against the Machine album, then this is it.  Hell, it�s even called The Rage Album.

Based out of Los Angeles and using a standard rock band line up (guitar, bass, drums, frontman) Bazerk brings a sound to the scene that is anything but standard.  Call it a rock album, but the style shows heavy influence of rap, funk, metal, and hip-hop.  The resulting sound is a fun rock and groove album, best played loud.  Don�t go to a show and expect to stay seated;  the music simply won�t allow it- plus, lead singer Zoo (Zookeyne) just might kick your ass.

Not that the album is all hard edge. Most of the songs employ clear and focused melodies lifting the vibe well over a solid foundation of groove rhythm.  It is in these moments of �hope against subversion� where Bazerk really shines and creates a mood that is well worth revisiting.  Other moments on the album include humorous breaks from the oppression rock, creating satire from today�s pop-culture, like on track 8 �Welcome to L.A.� when Zoo ends with �yo man, I wanna be on the Fear Factor.�

Currently, Bazerk is signed to a 3 record deal with internet based SDS Records, Ltd.  If you never hear anything from Bazerk, it will probably have to do with the limited amount of exposure such a small house can generate for them.  Without albums in stores or access to mainstream music channels Bazerk will have a much harder time making it big.  (Maybe he really will be on the Fear Factor!)  Add to Bazerk�s label woe�s the fact that a few small changes in production could have brought a lot of polish to the album without sacrificing any of Bazerk�s raw sound.  There are a few instances of tracks simply going on for too long or just not being mixed properly.

Detractions aside, Bazerk�s �I heard Y�all Like Violence (The Rage Album)� delivers everything that a Rage Against the Machine fan has been looking for since the departure of Zach de la Rocha and the end of an era.  With tracks like �Your whole style is Chump� and �Out of Control� the difference is that Bazerk replaces political satire with an indictment instead of popular culture and a greater sense of playfulness.  Bring it.

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