
High School Delays Van Halen Album

(SleazeRoxx) Rock legends Van Halen have put plans for a new album on hold - so the band's youngest member Wolfgang Van Halen can finish high school.

Guitarist Eddie Van Halen pulled his son out of school in 2007 to tour with the band, as a bassist, when he was just 15 years old. The teenager proved a huge hit and is now a full-time member of the Jump! group. Van Halen wanted to follow the tour with a new studio album, but the band has vowed to wait until Wolfgang has graduated - so he can be a part of it.

Eddie Van Halen tells Hustler magazine, "We're just waiting for the right time. I took Wolfie out of school for a whole year to do the tour. It was just a bad time because the 11th grade is the year when they prep you for college. First he graduates, then we'll sit down, give (frontman) Dave (Lee Roth) a call and see if he feels like whooping and hollering a little bit. I've got a ton of music." - Wonder if he's hot for teacher?

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