
Cake Vs Mustache (A Top Story)

On Thursday Cake Vs Mustache was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) Although he never wrote or sang about it, Cake frontman John McCrea has been dealing with a very personal issue since he was a child. When it came time to begin work on his band's new album, Showroom of Compassion, McCrea knew it was time to face his ultimate fear: the mustache.

"I think people are dealing with mustache issues in our culture," McCrea told Spinner.com. "A lot of people grew up with men around them who had mustaches, and I think it's a therapeutic thing for us to talk about it."

McCrea and Cake recorded "Mustache Man (Wasted)" and took a hard look at those cookie dusters, with visions of Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck dancing in their heads. "The song was certainly therapeutic for me having grown up in California in the '70s and '80s," he said. - more on this story

Gibson.com is an official news provider for the Day in Rock.

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