
Ozzy Reinvents Himself? (A Top Story)

On Friday Ozzy Reinvents Himself? was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) An animated Ozzy Osbourne will soon star in a Brisk Iced Tea web commercial, reprising the beverage's popular '90s ads that featured clay puppet animation.

The Prince of Darkness recorded his Brisk voiceover in Chicago on December 9. In the 30-second spot, Osbourne instructs viewers on how to be normal, Ozzy-style. He suggests, among other things: going on cruises, believing in commercials, and substituting "Shoot," "Darn" and "Fudge" for less savory curse words.

"Ozzy is continuously reinventing himself," said Mary Barnard, Vice President and General Manager of the Pepsi Lipton Tea Partnership. "From rock star to reality TV presence to author and advice columnist, Ozzy is always creating and doing new things. People love him for that � and that's what Brisk is celebrating in this web film." - more on this story

Gibson.com is an official news provider for the Day in Rock.

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