
Gold for The White Stripes (A Top Story)

On Monday Gold for The White Stripes was a top story. Here is the recap: (Press Here) Under the Great White Northern Lights, the Emmett Malloy-directed documentary film that captures The White Stripes' cross-country Canadian tour from 2007, has been certified gold.

Under the Great White Northern Lights has also been nominated for two Grammy Awards: "Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package" and "Best Long Form Music Video."

Having first premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in September 2009, Under Great White Northern Lights documents the band playing to crowds in towns of all sizes across the Great White North - from traditional venues to matinee gigs at unusual locations such as a bowling alley, a boat and even on a city bus - culminating in a momentous 10th Anniversary show at the historic Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. - more on this story

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