
British Sea Power Explain Valhalla Dancehall (A Top Story)

On Tuesday British Sea Power Explain Valhalla Dancehall was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) British Sea Power have just released their fifth studio album, Valhalla Dancehall. Featuring the single, "Living is So Easy," the album is a follow-up to the soundtrack for Man of Aran. Singer Yan (Scott Wilkinson) sat down with ClashMusic.com to discuss the disc, including its rather colorful title.

"The title evolved as a place to house what we'd done," Yan explained. "'Valhalla Dancehall' is this fictitious, imaginary place that we had to make up as a place that could house all these songs. Imagine all these different rooms and different things going on in them all at the same time. We're in the same house, but different rooms. So with the songs, we had a certain structure to fit into this word and atmosphere, but there wasn't really any limit to what could come out or what was possible. Each song kept getting longer and longer."

He went on to explain the evolving songwriting process that went into the creation of the album: "So writing the record was sort of productive, but a bit of a mess in a way, because we were trying to find new ways of working and new ways of making songs. And I think that every time a song was around and we'd start working on another song, we'd try to avoid going down that same route. I think that's why perhaps it's the widest collection of songs that we've done." - more on this story

Gibson.com is an official news provider for the Day in Rock.

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