
Coldplay To Tackle Love and Addiction on New Album (A Top Story)

On Tuesday Coldplay To Tackle Love and Addiction on New Album was a top story. Here is the recap: (Gibson) Coldplay frontman Chris Martin has refuted reports that the group's next recording will be a concept album, instead describing it as "a thinly veiled account of what happens within the group" touching on "love, addiction, OCD, escape and working for someone you don't like."

Martin told BBC's Radio 1 that the album, the band's fifth, is "supposed to be about life, the good stuff and the bad stuff. Everything." He also noted that the album is about "two like-minded outsiders who meet in a very difficult environment and therefore have a journey together," and added that it contained "lots of uplifting stuff."

Drummer Will Champion added, "There's a phrase which my wife told me from a book, I can't remember which book, but a man is asked, 'Are you married?' And he says, 'Yes, of course I'm married. I have a wife, kids, the whole catastrophe.'" Champion then elaborated, "Catastrophe just means something big and seismic but not necessarily bad. It's all about embracing the whole thing. Appreciating the good and bad and realizing it's all part of life." - more on this story

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