
Singled Out: Mountainess' Soundtrack

Mountainess (songwriter Emily Goldstein) just released her new "Soundtrack" EP and to celebrate we have asked her to tell us about the title track. Here is the story:

"Soundtrack" is a song that could only be written in retrospect. It playfully bemoans the dangers of sharing music with future exes, warning the listener: when your lover leaves ----- the songs may go with them! I'm grateful to find a glimmer of humor in this now, but I know firsthand how painful this can be...

In 2013, I was reeling from two break-ups. A long-term romantic relationship had ended and, as a result, my band was also coming undone. I was horrified to discover that so much of my musical taste had become intertwined with my ex's. All my favorite songs were linked to our time together! It took years to be able to listen to Sam Cooke or Mount Eerie without immediately jumping back into the breakup. (I need to write another song about not dating musical collaborators, but I have yet to follow my own rules.) Though the romantic relationship was unsalvageable, I am relieved to report that, eventually, I was able to create new memories to these artists' songs. However, to this day, I am loath to ever label a song "our song."

A prompt from a 2019 songwriting workshop helped me assemble this experience into music. "Soundtrack" poured out of me in a few hours -lyrics, melody and chords all together. It quickly became one of my favorites. I recorded it last February at Big Nice Studios with the help of John Faraone and Anthony Savino (fellow songwriters I admire). In the month that it's been out, I've been grateful to hear people relate to it and share their own lost songs. I hope it can serve as a public service announcement: Yes, it's wonderful to share music and art with your partner, but be sure you are scoring the soundtrack. Remember: the songs are yours.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the EP here

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Singled Out: Mountainess' Soundtrack